Trading Information

Contract Specifications: Futures


IndexThalex BTCUSDThalex ETHUSD
Contract Size1 BTC valued at 1 USD per Index Point1 ETH valued at 1 USD per Index Point
Minimum Order Size0.001 BTC0.01 ETH
Volume Tick Size0.001 BTC0.01 ETH
Price Tick Size1 USD0.1 USD
Settlement CoinUSDtUSDt
Daily SettlementAt 08:00 UTCAt 08:00 UTC
Daily Settlement ProcedureFutures-style settlement at the Mark PriceFutures-style settlement at the Mark Price
Final SettlementAt 08:00 UTC on the day of expirationAt 08:00 UTC on the day of expiration
Exchange Delivery Settlement Price ('EDSP')Time-weighted average BTC Index between 07:30 and 08:00 UTC on the day of expirationTime-weighted average ETH Index between 07:30 and 08:00 UTC on the day of expiration
Final Settlement ProcedureCash settlement in the Settlement Coin based on the EDSPCash settlement in the Settlement Coin based on the EDSP

Examples of tickers:

  • BTC-25MAR22 is a Bitcoin futures that expires at 08:00 UTC on 25 March 2022
  • ETH-28OCT22 is an Ethereum futures that expires at 08:00 UTC on 28 October 2022

Mark Price

The Mark Price consists of the Index and a 30-second exponential moving average of the Premium, which is updated approximately every second. The Premium is the difference between the Index and the bid/ask constrained mid-price, which is based on 0.1 BTC or 2 ETH of perp contracts.

Mid-Price is calculated as the average of FairDepthBid and FairDepthAsk, where FairDepthBid and FairDepthAsk are the average price to buy/sell 0.1 BTC or 2 ETH perpetual contracts.

The EMA30 is a smooth exponential time-based decay, where each additional second contributes 2/31​, so that the center of mass is equal to that of a standard moving average over 30 seconds.

In case of insufficient liquidity, mark price will be based on an interpolation of the mark price of neighbouring Futures.

Expiration Introduction

Futures are introduced at 08:00 UTC on the day of introduction.

Daily48 hoursDaily
Weekly3 weeksFriday
Monthly2 monthsLast Friday of the month
Quarterly7 monthsLast Friday of February, May, August and November


InstrumentMaturityIntroduced at 08:00 UTC onExpires at 08:00 UTC on
BTC-19MAY22DailyTuesday May 17th, 2022Thursday May 19th, 2022
BTC-20MAY22WeeklyFriday May 6th, 2022Friday May 27th, 2022
BTC-27MAY22MonthlyFriday March 25th, 2022Friday May 27th, 2022
BTC-30DEC22QuarterlyFriday May 27th, 2022Friday December 30th, 2022